The session of Scientific Council
On December 6 the session of scientific council of State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia was held. The following questions were on the agenda:
1. Candidacy nomination for the membership of SAFAA Board of Trustees
2. Guarantee for book printing of the Doctoral dissertation of Doctor of Arts Hakob Simonyan entitled “The Ancient Art of Armenian highlands”
3. Approval and discussion of dissertation topics and scientific supervisors for SAFAA PhD students:
a) PhD student Lusine Hambardzumyan, dissertation topic: “Caricature in Armenian Art in the 1st half of the 20th century”, scientific supervisor: Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor Nazenie Garibian
b) PhD student, citizen of People’s Republic of China Tsin Le, dissertation topic: “Gouache Painting in Chinese province Jiang Su in the first half of 20th century and in Soviet Art”, scientific supervisor: Candidate of Arts, Associate professor Knarik Avetisyan
4. Discussion of the application for the academic title of Associate professor:
a) Mekhak Elbakyan- senior lecturer at the chair of Painting and Drawing of the faculty of Fine Arts