Monitoring of INCLUSION project
National Erasmus+ office in Armenia conducted a regular monitoring of Inclusion project, its impact and evolved activities at SAFAA upon the project termination. Sharing of best practice and dissemination were also touched upon.
“INCLUSION” grant project received tangible results and dissemination through State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia the details of which were introduced by SAFAA working group. After the end of the project the activities aimed at ensuring inclusive education kept going as noted by the representatives of National Erasmus+ office in Armenia.
Addressing the importance and necessity of providing inclusive education for the period, SAFAA working group mentioned the main steps taken by the institution to ensure the implementation of the component of inclusiveness in the educational programmes at large and in teaching, learning and assessment methods in particular.
The parties highlighted the continuous dissemination of project results and actualized activities and presentation of gained experience to other stakeholders. It was agreed to continue the discussions ensuring the culture of inclusive education in higher education institutions.