Session of SAFAA Scientific Council
On 11th of November, the session of Scientific Council of State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia was held. The following issues were on the agenda.
Discussing and approving dissertation topics of SAFAA PhD students and the choice of supervisors:
- PhD student, Misak Aslanyan (dissertation topic is “The Art of Anatoli Grigoryan”, supervisor: Yevgenya Kalantaryan, Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor),
- PhD student Hu Pei Gang (PRC) (dissertation topic is “New Tendencies in 1950-1970’s Chines and Armenian Art”, supervisor: Yevgenya Kalantaryan, Candidate of Arts, Associate Professor).
The next point on the agenda referred to naming the Hall of the SAFAA after the Rector of SAFAA, Professor, RA People’s Artist, Aram Isabekyan, and discussion of the issue of naming the two studios of the Applied Arts chair of SAFAA after ceramists Iosif Babyan and Hripsime Simonyan.