Impressions from Ecole Superieure d’art et de design de Marseille, France
Karapet Haji-Aslanyan studied the third year of the Graphics academic program of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia at the Ecole Superieure d’art et de design de Marseille, France. We received a lot of praising and encouraging words about Karapet from the above-mentioned institution. Below we introduce Haji-Aslanyan’s impressions of the Marseille Art School.
We just want to wish him good luck and success in his creative activities.
International Relations Department
“I am Karapet, a third-year student at SAFAA.
I want to thank the Academy for this opportunity of continuing my education of the third study year at Ecole Superieure d’art et de design de Marseille.
During my studies I observed the techniques of graphic art and starting from the 2nd semester on I studied photography and got acquainted with foreign specialists. I was given an opportunity to be exhibited in several exhibitions organized in Marseille and La Ciotat. This exchange programme was beneficial for me to explore French culture and very interesting creative people.
A great role in my creative journey was played by the Parkthat was located near the school of Marseille. A series of works were created there. I want also to thank Ecole Superieure d’art et de design de Marseille for deepening my professional knowledge and motivating me in my further creative path”.