SAFAA lecturers visiting UAD Cluj-Napoca
Within the frames of Erasmus+ ICM Agreement resigned between the State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia (SAFAA) and University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca (UAD), Romania, two lecturers from SAFAA- Gurgen Vachyan, ceramist, lecturer at Applied Arts Chair and Gayane Poghosyan, art-historian, lecturer at the chair of Art Studies and Humanities, visited UAD for delivering a week-long lecturing from 1st to 8th of May, 2022. During this visit they shared their experience with the professors of the relevant fields, got acquainted with the teaching and administrative staff and students, the academic environment, observing their methods and approaches of teaching and learning and gaining new skills.
Below you can read about their impressions from the University, the academic environment and the city of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
“SAFAA in cooperation with UAD Cluj-Napoca gave us an opportunity to travel to Romania within Erasmus+ programme and conduct one-week lecturing combined with workshop. The lecturing was on the Art of Armenian Highlands from the early ages to 21st century and Armenian pottery and the peculiarities of Armenian pottery that was combined with a workshop demonstrating the skills and the methods of applying clay in practice. This visit was also a wonderful opportunity to explore the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca, share experiences with local staff, gain new skills and acquaintances, as well as explore the city of Cluj-Napoca and Romania, the culture and historical monuments, visit some galleries and museums, learn the history and traditions of the country and nation. Within the frames of the programme during our visit we managed to have discussion with local teachers from the relevant chairs that can serve as a good experience for our further teaching and creative activities. As a result this experience will contribute to our professional and creative development and we want to extend words of gratitude to both institutions due to the efforts of which we were given this opportunity”.