Starting from the moment of admission, SAFAA keeps the records of academic performance for each student that reflects the learning outcomes and study progress, the studied courses/modules, earned credits and received final grades according to each semester. They are accumulated and remain valid (remain in force) throughout the whole study period. If the student doesn’t gather the relevant credits set for the given course or module according to the examination results of the semester including two stages for retaking, then he/she is considered to have an academic dept.
Those who failed to collect the required credits based on the results of the exam period are considered to have insufficient academic progress.
In order to present the generalized results of the student’s academic progress, after each exam period the summary of academic records states:
- Amount of cumulative credits – the aggregation of the student’s earned credits to meet the graduation requirements of the academic programme,
- Amount of assessed credits – a part of cumulative credits calculated in numerical values,
- Rating points (Honor Point) – aggregation of grades achieved for each credit that is calculated as the aggregation of the products of credits assessed for individual courses/modules and their efficient grades,
- Grade point average (GPA) – average of weighted credit scores that is calculated by dividing the rating points (honor points) by the amount of cumulative credits,
- GPA calculated per semester/year – midterm/annual GPA calculated for one academic semester/year,
- Accumulated GPA – is the result of dividing the total rating points (honor points) earned during all semesters by the total amount of credits earned.
Transcript of records reflects all the subjects studied by the students with the relevant grades obtained, the rating points and GPA earned per semester and academic year.
More details about SAFAA Policy on Assessment and Academic Integrity (Honesty) can be found on the relevant pages.
In order to calculate your own GPA you can use the following format.