Night of Ideas 2020
Discussion of environmental problems in the City Hall
The issue of wildlife and biodiversity protection will be a keynote throughout the world in 2020. How to preserve nature? What programs are implemented in different countries and in Armenia with this aim? This year the French Embassy in Armenia held the “Night of Ideas” event in the Municipality of Yerevan. The First Deputy Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan, the First Counselor of French Embassy Claire Le Flecher, Deputy Minister of Environment Irina Ghaplanyan, representatives of different organizations were present at the opening event.
The program was initiated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France in 2016 to celebrate the free circulation of ideas and knowledge. In 2019 the event brought together 200000 in France and 65 countries including Armenia.
Hrachya Sargsyan stressed the importance of the program, and outlined that the city authorities highly appreciate the cooperation with the French Embassy in Armenia.
“This event is a good platform for experience exchange in environmental issues and discussions. Environment protection and management of hazardous wastes are the challenges to overcome which Yerevan community implements consistent policy. A few years ago, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the EU round hazardous waste management which will make it possible to install a new and effective systems. Besides, the Municipality has a number of programs aimed at energy efficiency increase, at waste sorting”, said Hrachya Sargsyan.
Claire Le Flecher noted that this event is very special as its goal is to bring together creative people so as due to ideas exchange it will become possible to find solutions to modern challenges. This year the “Night of Ideas” is held in 187 cities and towns worldwide. She expressed delight with the fact that this is event is held in Yerevan City Hall for which she was grateful to Mr. Mayor.
Discussion of environmental problems was held during the event. The projects successfully implemented in Armenia such as the cooperation of “Eco Aghb” NGO and the Municipality in sorting of litter and trash.
During the event lasted till late evening a video film on environmental issues was shown and the photo exhibition entitled “60 solutions against climate change” was presented. The students of State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia on the spot created art works using polyethylene and plastic. And the actors of State Theatre of Pantomime showed the importance of preservation of the nature.