The Yearbook of the State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia is a peer-reviewed periodical journal. Its main purpose is to publish and distribute scientific articles on art history, fine arts, architecture, history, ethnography, archeology, and philology. The journal also provides materials on teaching methods.
The SAFAA Yearbook is on the list of periodicals approved by the Supreme Certifying Committee of MESCS of the RA. It is also registered in the Crossref, and all articles receive a DOI (digital object identifier).
The Yearbook is published twice a year, in spring and in autumn. Deadlines for article submission are: February 25 for the 1st issue, and September 25 for the 2nd. Articles should be sent in digital format to the scientific secretary of SAFAA or the editor-in-chief of the Yearbook to the following email addresses:,․
Article Structure and Contents
1. The submitted article should comply with the standards of the journal (topic, academic style, scientific design system).
2. The article should be new and previously unpublished.
3. The article should have an abstract (summary) in three languages, including the language of the article. It should be no more than150 to 200 words providing general information about the research issue, methods, and conclusions of the study. The article should have an introduction and a conclusion; also, it should be divided into paragraphs with accompanying subtitles. The introduction should briefly outline the issues discussed in the article, indicating the innovation, main goals and results of the study. Conclusions and research prospects should be provided at the end of the article.
4. First, the author should write the title of the article, then his (or her) name and surname, specialty or academic degree, the full name of the institution as well as his (or her) email address and mobile number. All this information should be provided in the right corner of the page, followed by an abstract in the language of the article and keywords (10-12 words)which should reflect the contents of the article and help for a quick search for the topic on the Internet. Next the text of the article should be presented followed by two abstracts in other languages with the title, information about the author and keywords.
5. The article should not exceed 20 pages,including abstracts, footnotes, bibliography, and alist of illustrations (1 page is approximately 1800 characters).
6. Please, write an abstract of the article in about 150 to 200 words. The abstract should be in three languages, the language of the article and two more languages (English, Russian, or French). An Armenian abstract can be written in about 100 to 150 words, and abstracts in other languages can preferably have 150 to 200 words.
7. The abstracts should be followed by a bibliography and a list of illustrations. The list of illustrations should be in numerical order; first black-and-white illustrations should be indicated, followed by colour photos. An article can be accompanied by 14 illustrations and 1 or 2 colour photos.
Other Details Relating to Guidelines
1. An article text should be in A4 paper size (210×297 mm), with a 20-mm margin on either side. The font for Armenian is Sylfaen, and for other languages Times New Roman; size: 12; line spacing: 1.5. The text should be submitted in Word 2007, Word 2010, or RTF formats.
2. An article title should be written in bold capital letters; font: Times New Roman; size: 12; line spacing: 1.5. The title should reflect the contents of the article and the research topic.
3. In Armenian and English texts, centuries should be indicated in Arabic style, and in Russian texts in Roman style. If necessary, the designations BC. or AD. should be added to the centuries. If the article is entirely devoted to one period, indicate it only at the beginning of the article, or in keywords. All illustrations, tables, volumes, and issues of books and magazines should be denoted in Arabic numbers. Please, use Roman numbers with the names of emperors and kings (for example, Sarduri I, Constantine IX, Gagik II).
4. Foreign or special words, if any, need to be highlighted in italics.
5. Footnotes should be provided at the bottom of the page and should be inserted only automatically, using the Word References function. The reference sign should be placed before punctuation marks (comma, dot, colon, semicolon).
6. References to scientific literature should be offered in the following order: the surname and initial(s) of the author in bold characters; the article title in direct style; the title of the monograph/collection, album or periodical in italics; the place (city) of publication; the publisher; issue number; page(s). In case of conference materials, the order is as follows: the presentation title; the conference title; the place and date of the conference; the date of publication of the abstracts/materials. Names of periodicals should be written in full, but in case of repetition, abbreviations can be used. Please, use the same order with references to primary sources as well as press and archival materials. For Armenian references, the Sylfaen font should beused; for Russian and English ones (or any others based on the Latin alphabet), Times New Roman should be applied.
7. Cited web links are valid if they lead to an official website containing the name of the author, the title of the material and the date of visiting. Details of cited information should be separated by commas, and if there are multiple website addresses, they should be separated by semicolons. These rules are relevant for articles in all languages.
8. For repeated references, please, use the following abbreviations: “Ibid” if a book or an article is repeated; “Idem” or “Eadem” if an author is repeated. In case of repetition, indicate the title of the book or article in short (for example: Dorfmnn-Lazarev I., Arméniens et Byzantins à l’époque de Photius…, Idem, Armenian Martyrologies of the 14th-18th cc..,).
9. Illustrations and drawings (tables) should be presented separately from the text. They should be of high quality, in TIF or JPEG formats, pix. 600 dpi for drawings, and 300 dpi and higher for photos. Illustrations should be indicated in the text before a punctuation mark (comma, colon) within brackets: (for instance, fig./tab. 1).
10. Captions for illustrations should be submitted in a separate Word file in the following order: name/description of the scene or work, type of the work/monument, author, dimensions, place of creation, date, museum or collection, source/author.
11. A complete list of references should be provided at the end of the article. The list should be compiled in alphabetical order by the last names of authors. The language of the titles depends on that of the article: if the article is in Russian, the list should begin with Russian titles, followed by English ones and others in other European languages, if any, and then finally, by titles in Armenian and other languages. The list of references cannot include works used by the author, but not cited in the article.