SAFAA highlights the assurance of equal conditions for all students creating healthy and competitive academic environment.
Realising the importance of inclusive higher professional education Academy’s all staff members are responsible for creating and providing an inclusive environment in their everyday work.
Inclusive Education as Priority
The main goal of SAFAA strategy is to provide equal, accessible, supportive and inclusive environment for learning and teaching. Academy eliminates discrimination based on sexual, racial, ethnic, social and health state as well as religious backgrounds.
Policy on Inclusive Education
The processes of Inclusive education assurance are regulated by relevant policy as well as that of student assessment and academic integrity which describes the services in this regard and actions implemented for this purpose assuring inclusive environment and culture development.
Processes in Assuring Inclusiveness
In order to support students, as well as with the purpose to provide effective education, the Academy organizes extra activities (out of classroom), master classes, consultations, non-formal meetings etc., which greatly promotes to establish a creative and healthy working atmosphere and based on the latter to develop an inclusive culture.
Every year SAFAA organises surveys among first-year students to reveal their needs in applying extra services provided by the institution.
If you are a first-year SAFAA student, don’t forget to fill in the questionnaire.