Annual Student Exhibition at Artists’ Union
Beside the exhibitions regularly organized on certain specialties throughout the year the State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia has also established a tradition of general annual student exhibition which is a kind of test summarizing the teacher-student joint work.
Yesterday was the opening of such an exhibition that couldn’t have been organized without active participation of Student Council headed by Mane Makyan. In the opening ceremony the Rector of State Academy of Fine Arts Aram Isabekyan addressed the students and Student Council with words of praise and appreciation for their active participation and at the same time Artists Union for providing the space to be exhibited.
The diversity and interest of the exhibition was ensured by the presence of different specialties (painting, sculpture, graphics, design, ceramics, fashion design) under the same shelter, that was a good opportunity for the guests and attendees to form a general idea on the artistic education of the Academy and evaluate it.
Artur Hovhannisyan spoke about the difference of the works in different environment. For example, when the works are already familiar for the teachers themselves from examinations or working processes can’t be compared with those already presented for the exhibition. Thus, the environmental perception is different.
Combining the academic education with the international trends of modern art is different for students; it’s on individual level due to their interests, temperament, level of talent.
The President of Artists’ Union of Armenia Suren Safaryan who also teaches drawing at SAFAA noted that the natural state for an artist is the perception of his time, the artistic thinking and attitude shaped on it.
Garegin Davtyan also expressed his opinion on the exhibition mentioning that the success of the exhibition is based on a number of factors; firstly, the diversity of theme, genre, material and another important circumstance is the venture, open-mindedness, the way of expressions and commitment. The stylistic clarity that can be noticed in the works of some authors, is the realization of having their own styles, their importance and loyalty to them.
Lack of experience is natural, inevitably time consuming; “the most important and noticeable thing is that there is a high taste.
The painter must first of all be an educated person, the painter is not the one merely puts paint or draws nose and mouth; he must be able to think. Artist, painter must be a researcher, investigator, the one who reveals and reflects the world, the given time, human being and human psychology”.
Melanya Badalyan
Translated by Naira Stepanyan