Revised BA programme of Computer Graphics was presented to employers
State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia organised a meeting with representatives of professional organisations in the field of graphic design to introduce the expected learning outcomes set by revised BA programme of Computer Graphics.
The mission, goal and objectives of the educational programme were presented to potential employer organisations. Special emphasis was attained to the learning outcomes set by the educational programme and the main discussions evolved around it. Representatives of participating agencies expressed their satisfaction with preliminary development outlining current market demands and highlighting the necessity of developing a series of targeted and conceptual skills among learners. During the discussion, the employers outlined those disadvantages and omissions that could be noticed among the majority of graduates and confirmed that in case of achieving the expected outcomes, the required professional body for the labour market will be developed.
The meeting also highlighted the need for further discussions and a wider involvement of employers in the development process of educational programme that will ensure expanding of cooperation framework.
It should be noted that SAFAA actively continues developing and revising all the proposed educational programmes addressing the challenges of the certain field and ensuring their compliance with labour market requirements.